Category Childhood

Peppa Pig is my homegirl.

“I’m going to write a blog post about Peppa Pig. How should I even start?,” I asked B while we were out on an errand today. “Don’t gild the lily. Just say it’s the most awesome show ever made.” Go ahead and put your hyperbole goggles on ’cause imma bout to spray you with the […]

How I Know the Apple Didn’t Fall Too Far From the Tree

Do you ever have those moments when you look at your family and are all, Who ARE you people? Throughout our marriage, there have been occasional times when my husband will do something so outlandish that I have to perform a quick time-lapsed review of everything I know about him thus far and decide if […]

Remember the Time Blog Hop: Birthday Edition

Remember the Time…It Was Your Birthday?

I find myself in strange but familiar territory lately. As usual, I am putting it on the kid (doesn’t that sound better than blaming it on the kid?). Her birthday is next week and all of a sudden the Pinteresty beast has been awakened in my belly. Even though I wouldn’t label myself a Type A mom, I do […]

Cee the Artiste

What goes on in your kids’ playroom when you’re not looking? The good folks at Dropcam – a state-of-the-art video baby monitor – posed this question to me for their Tales From the Playroom series and I summoned up the courage to answer it. Such a sobering moment when you realize that the last thing on […]

The Relics of My First Memories

Ten or twelve years ago, if you really needed to find me but I wasn’t answering my phone, you would have looked for me in the library. College was one of the happiest times in my life because it was my job as a student to amass knowledge. What’s funny is that sometimes I feel […]

Proof That the Universe Does Look Out For Moms

Cee loves her pacifiers. Loves them. If our house were burning down and I had already passed out all over the kitchen floor from smoke inhalation because I was too busy eating all the Pop-Tarts to notice that I was also inhaling smoke along with those rectangles of perfection, my poor child, who – let’s be […]

Child Labor

There was a time in our history when big families were the norm, when children were contributors to their parents’ coffers and not the yogurt-tube-slurping freeloaders they are today. Parents pumped out a new kid every year not out of any express religious obligation or even because they preferred the pitter patter of tiny feet […]

Exploring Early Memories

There is something magical about a first memory. Think about it: there is a whole period of your early life when you’re so absorbed in each little thing life puts in your line of sight that singling out specific images to hold in your memory is almost too much. Everything is new to a small […]

Meeting Mr. McFeely

Last week while C was watching PBS Kids, one of the commercials* mentioned that there was going to be a character meet-and-greet about an hour from our home. Now, I wrote a lot during my pregnancy that I was very wary of what I like to call “kid culture.” I refuse to eat at any restaurant featuring […]

When the Glove Doesn’t Fit

It’s high time we all started remembering again! For the first Remember the Time installment of 2014, write a post about the time you received a piece of news that impacted the entire world or just your world. Maybe you’ll want to talk about hearing the news of the Kennedy assassination or 9/11. Your post […]